
I write songs, I write instrumentals, I write music that suits my mood and quite honestly, I write whatever comes from my heart.

Between 1987 and 2001 I operated under the band name Instant Emotion and released six albums. The albums were released in small batches and shared with friends and family. The final Instant Emotion album, Impressions, was a linear concept album with a story that took place over two days.

After Impressions, I took time off to decide what to do next. I decided to drop the Instant Emotion name and operate under my own name. I also decided that I would try to involve more musicians in the recording process.

The first album released under my name was Eclipse. This album is a spiritual journey. It is a story of seeking spiritual identity in a world that constantly tries to define one’s beliefs.

The next album, Shelter, is a story about seeking love in a world that no longer believes in love. This album still means a lot to me.

Looking Glass is a “cover” album of Instant Emotion material. I pulled two songs from each album and made new arrangements of them. In the end, I think I still prefer the original versions of the songs.

Entropy began as an instrumental project that eventually found lyrics. It is a story about new love and all the joys and struggles of that experience.

Singularity takes place after Entropy, with new doubts and fears arising and creating an unstable situation. By the end of the album, we are not sure if the relationship still exists.

Winter concludes the story. How the story ends is up to you.